Getting Yourself Out of a Funk

Well howdy, you bunch of goofballs! See, I told you this was for real. Second blog post in a row! It’s time to celebrate! All right, celebration time is over. I know, it was short-lived. We have to get working, people!

You might be asking yourself “What’s the deal with this funk?” (do it with a Seinfeld impression, while you're at it).You might not be alone. The reason why is always very personal, because we’re all in different situations and blah blah blah. That’s for you to know, in order to “exorcise the demons.” Knowing why is good, because that way you know what the root cause is, but knowing how to get out of them is even better!  

Now, here's the thing: we can do it in an instant! You're in luck, because I've got ways to do this, and do it quickly! There are billions of ways to do it --I don't really know if that's an accurate number, but there are plenty! I'm going to tell you about a few ways that can instantly get you out of it. You may be wondering "Khalu, how do we do this?" Well, my little baguette, I'm glad you asked!

For the past two Tuesdays, I found myself in a funk. This is why I'm writing this, in fact! Frankly, I was tired of it. The thing is, I had solved this same issue within myself a long time ago. I was burning the candle at both ends and I wasn't taking any breaks --no, not even the weekends! It turns out, I do need a day for just goofing around. It's not that much time either. I don't need the entire day. I just needed to take the pressure off of myself for a moment in order to breathe a little bit. I'd forgotten about this. I like to do what I love and that in turn leaves little breaks in between. Sometimes, I just need to do nothing.

As you found out in my previous post, I have a daily routine I practice to keep myself in shape emotionally. It truly does work. Though sometimes as it turns out, when I'm a little drained I find myself having to work really hard to push through. Which I do. I just need to remember to give myself a break here and there. Take a deep breath, boy!

So, let me give you a few things you can do to get out of your funk:

  1. Say "Fuck it" and do nothing.
    • Once you're in the zone doing nothing, find something you've really wanted to do but kept putting off. For example, read a book you've had laying around. Treat yourself! If it's food, don't go overboard, because you will regret it afterwards!
    • Once you're engrossed in your book or whatever you do, stay there for a while. Relax! It's whateverday you're doing this on. This is all about you!
  2. If you're pressed for time, get up and dance around full of joy. Be goofy. Sing like nobody's watching. Jump around. It's liberating! If there are people there, do it anyway. Worst thing that could happen is you make them laugh because they think you're crazy! Well, you are! So let it all out. Unless you're at a library... Then BE QUIET!
  3. Meet with someone who you know always puts a smile on your face! Your best friend, spouse, partner. Whomever! Just hang out. Blow off some steam.
  4. If nobody can hang out? Go on a date with yourself! Going out by yourself is amazing! You always do what you really want to do. You're only following your agenda. You don't need to compromise about anything. ANYTHING. Think about it!
  5. If you're in a funk because you're not doing anything? Then get to work you spud! Do something you're passionate about. "I don't have any passions!" Well, look for one!

In short, this is pretty much a "just do whatever the heck you want" guide. It's a time where YOU need to breathe fresh air. So, TAKE IT ALL IN, man/woman/dude/dudette! Life is amazing, so eat it all up.

Have anything you'd like to add? You need to let me know about something you didn't like about what I wrote? Sound off in the comments! Until next time, just keep on doing you, my little goofballs.